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Pender Island Food Bank

Pender Island Food Bank

Greetings fellow Penderites! Greetings from the Food Bank where “Friday is the new Wednesday”. For a number of reasons, we will now be open Fridays from 10:00 to noon. We have been entrusted by our community to help those who are finding these times tough. Thanks to all donors...we are approaching 100 of you! Humbling!

We know it is hard to start using the Food Bank and we promise to treat you with respect. After you register on a Friday morning, the foods you order will be delivered weekly to your home. Thanks to all the spectacular workers who are helping this rollout happen each does take an army.

We now have lots of egg cartons but could use frozen fruit and 1 cup (small) mason jars for jam making. Please bring these on a Friday morning between 10:00 and noon. Fridays are the new drop off days.

We are so fortunate to live on Pender Island... thanks to everyone for helping us care for each other!

We had 65 clients this past week at the Food Bank. All were given heaps of veggies, fresh homemade bread, special pork treats (like bacon or a roast) and even a hot cross bun.


Contact Info


Fridays 10am to 12 Noon

Call the church number 629-3634 for Wednesday mornings only.

Food Bank is open to residents every Friday from 10am to 12pm at the Anglican Parish Hall.