Musical Tea for Peace Tour

Community Hall 4418 Bedwell Harbour Rd, Pender Island, British Columbia, Canada

Featuring Lester Quitzau, Truth & Dolphin and special guest Matthew Hinton
Tickets $35, youth under 12 free. Tickets available at Talisman Books or online at

Treasures from the Museum Attic

Pender Island Golf & Country Club

Pender Islands Museum Celebrates 20 Years: 10-day exhibition of 20 treasures from the museum attic that have never or rarely been on display before. Open February 14-23, 1-4pm daily at the Golf Club.

ZOO-isLANDER Fashion Show

Community Hall 4418 Bedwell Harbour Rd, Pender Island, British Columbia, Canada

Tickets available at Talisman Books after January 15.

Food Safe Level 1

Community Hall 4418 Bedwell Harbour Rd, Pender Island, British Columbia, Canada

Join the Pender Island Farmers Institute for a Food Safe Level 1 course on February 25th at the Hall, led by instructor Laura Cullen. Cost is approximately $70-$80 (including lunch), and registration is open until January 31st at

Tom Allen & Friends

Community Hall 4418 Bedwell Harbour Rd, Pender Island, British Columbia, Canada

The Pender Island Concert Society presents J.S Bach's Long Walk in the Snow: An evening of storytelling & music. Show begins at 7:30 p.m.

Community Conversation with MLA Rob Botterell

Community Hall 4418 Bedwell Harbour Rd, Pender Island, British Columbia, Canada

Community Conversation with MLA Rob Botterell in the Lounge at the Community Hall. Starts at 9:30 am.

Friday Dinner at the Legion

Royal Canadian Legion 1344 Mackinnon Road, Pender Island, British Columbia, Canada

Irish Stew Dinner at the Legion starting at 5pm

Volunteer Fair

Community Hall 4418 Bedwell Harbour Rd, Pender Island, British Columbia, Canada

Volunteer Fair at the Community Hall starting at 10am

Conservancy Moss Talk & Walk

Community Hall 4418 Bedwell Harbour Rd, Pender Island, British Columbia, Canada

The Pender Islands Conservancy presents a Moss Talk and Walk on March 21 & 22. The talk is 7pm at the Community Hall on Friday evening. The walk is on Saturday.