Pender Island Dog Show

Driftwood Centre 4605 Bedwell Harbour Rd, Pender Island, British Columbia, Canada

Dog Show and Hot Dogs served by the Pender Islands Lions Club

Pre-Registration & Programmes at Petals & Paws

All proceeds go to P.A.W.S!

Annual Pig & Lamb BBQ Fundraiser

Royal Canadian Legion 1344 Mackinnon Road, Pender Island, British Columbia, Canada

Open at 4:00 p.m. - Dinner at 6:00 p.m.

Live Music with John Temple, 50/50 draw and Pig & Lamb BBQ

Reservations and e-transfers to

Hackers Heritage Golf Tournament

Pender Island Golf & Country Club

Golf Tournament and Dinner at the Port Browning Bistro!

Sponsored by Port Browning Marina and Pub
In co-operation with the Pender Island Golf & Country Club
For benefit of Pender Islands Junior Sailing Association

For tickets and more information call: 250-629-6659

Terry Fox Run

Community Hall 4418 Bedwell Harbour Rd, Pender Island, British Columbia, Canada

Run begins at 10 a.m. at the Community Hall

Register on the day of the event or at

Trio Harmonie

A clarinet, cello and piano trio unearthing musical gems old and new.

Show begins at 2:30 pm

Sponsored by the Pender Island Concert Society

Pender Islands Foodbank: Food & Funds Drive

Driftwood Centre 4605 Bedwell Harbour Rd, Pender Island, British Columbia, Canada

10am - 3pm @ the green at the Driftwood with live music at noon by the Scanlon Brothers

Legacy of Lightwood Concert

Community Hall 4418 Bedwell Harbour Rd, Pender Island, British Columbia, Canada

7pm Tickets available for $30 at Talisman Books or online at