Daniel Lapp’s West Coast Kitchen Party

Community Hall 4418 Bedwell Harbour Rd, Pender Island, British Columbia, Canada

Doors: 7:00 pm
Show: 7:30 pm
Buy tickets online at : www.ptarmiganarts.org/programs or in person at Talisman Books


Winemakers Dinner

Poets Cove 9801 Spalding Road, Pender Island, BC, Canada

Sea Star Winery in Aurora Restaurant, Poets Cove

Tee & Fashion

Pender Island Golf Club

Presented by the Ladies of the Pender Island Golf Club

Jazz in June

Community Hall 4418 Bedwell Harbour Rd, Pender Island, British Columbia, Canada

Pender Island Jazz

Stoney Pocket Presents: Firebird

Stoney Pocket 2200 Clam Bay Road, Pender Island, British Columbia, Canada

Doors at 6:30 pm, concert starts at 7:00 pm
Ptarmigan Arts is excited to sponsor this year's Stoney Pocket concert series. The first concert is happening June 29 featuring Firebird: Stephanie Cutler, Jeremy Walsh (Scruj MacDuhk, Crikey Mor), and Genevieve Charbonneau (Heartwood, Genevieve and the Wild Sundays). There will also be an opening set from members of the Young Violins: Denny Goertz, Taeven Lopatecki, Ava Powelson and Cedar Lopatecki.

Hope Bay Day Camp

July 8 - 12th
Ages 6 - 12
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
$40 / day or $150 / week
Register at hopebaybiblecamp.com

GICEL Nature Camp

July 8th - 12th
Ages 6-12
Register at Pender@gicel.ca


Sick Day Festival

Ohana Farms, 4502 Liberto Road

Sick Day Festival is an annual all ages music festival held at Ohana Farms, featuring bands from all over BC with a wide variety of genres as well as a small art market and local drink vendors.

July 12th 3pm-9:30pm July 13th 12-10pm

Tickets $45 (for both days) available online found at sickdayshows.com or purchased at Pender Island Naturals