Mayne Islander Meg Iredale performs Thursday, November 7 at the Community Hall on her album release tour! Meg will be bringing a full band with her for an evening of indie rock celebrating the release of her new album Lean In. Opening the night will be honorary Penderites Ghostly Hounds. Doors open @ 6:30pm. Show @ 7:00pm. Tickets available at
Rob Botterell is our newly elected MLA. Bring your questions, raise your issues, hear islanders' concerns. In the lounge at the Community Hall on Friday, November 8 at 9:30am
Remembrance Day is the most important day of the year for the Royal Canadian Legion, when we honour and remember those veterans who gave so much in the fight for freedom. The day will be marked by a parade to the Cenotaph at 10:45am, trumpeter and observation of silence at 11:00 am, followed by a guest speaker. All are welcome.
Tim Johnson Quartet presents an exciting performance on November 15 at Port Browning Bistro on Pender Island, BC. They will be introducing some new material, including some classic Latin jazz, bepop, post bebop, modal tunes and intriguing originals from Karel and Tim. You will hear all fresh material, nothing that theyhave recently performed. Food and beverages available. Tickets on sale now at Talisman Books. Doors open at 5:45pm. Show at 6:30pm.
Come by the Library on Saturday, November 23 from 10am to 3pm for the big holiday book sale. Find gift quality used books and DVDs. Donations of good quality books published within the last 10 years accepted at the front desk.
Directed by Evan Llewellyn | All performances at the Community Hall | November 29 and 30 @ 7pm | December 1 @ 2pm | Presented by the Pender Solstice Theatre Society
Tickets available at Talisman Books