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Pender Islands Health Care Society

Pender Islands Health Care Society

PIHCS facilitates access to primary health care and complementary services to support the health and wellbeing of the Pender Islands community.

We strive for quality, accessible healthcare, and wellness support for the Pender Islands community.

Seeks and manages funding to support the access and delivery to health and wellness services.

Manages a facility to house medical services, allied health professionals and wellness practitioners.

Enables the delivery of complementary programs that promote the health and wellbeing of community members.

Engages the community to assess health and wellness needs and involve them in fundraising efforts to support high quality care.

Advocates for improved health services provided by agencies in the region.

Please visit our website for a full list of services available at the Pender Island Health Care Centre.

Contact Info

Pender Island Health Care Society
5715 Canal Road
Pender Island
V0N 2M1
British Columbia
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